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An End of Summer Update

Sorry for the recent more sappy posts  I have just needed to write what’s on my mind and only had here to do so.
As you have, I assume, noticed I have fallen in love since I last gave you any real update, its amazing.
In other news, and the reason I haven’t posted much this summer is I have actually been having a good, fun summer hanging out with friends. Its been lovely.
Also, I’ll be starting my senior year in a week which is odd, honestly, I’ll be a college graduate in May.
So yeah, that’s not a very good update for now but that’s basically what’s happening.
Talk to you all later.

An End of the Year Update

I haven’t written in a while I know, and apparently this is my 3 year anniversary on this site (Lucky that I randomly logged in today, eh?) so congratulations to me!

I’m not as active as I once was but I’m thankful to have this to come and write my random thoughts, even if only a few people see them it’s still a nice idea to have.

Anyways, my junior year of college is winding down, in about 2 hours I’ll have my last class of the semester and then next Thursday I’ll have my first final (with 3 then on Friday) and after that I’ll be moving out of the dorms on Saturday.

My feelings on this are quite bittersweet, as they always are at the end of the year. I’m excited to be done with work, I’m quite burnt out on school work right now and definitely need the break but once more I’ll be separated from my friends for a few months.

Like last summer, I’ll be staying up in my college town and working full-time.  I’ll be moving into my own apartment this year because the dorms aren’t letting seniors return for overflow purposes. So, for the first time I’ll be completely on my own. My parents no longer provide for me in any way, I’ll have my own place, pay my own rent and as of last week I’m now paying for my cell phone as well. It’s a nice feeling but certainly a scary one.

Fortunately, making things a bit easier with all these changes, unlike last year I’ll have friends staying here with me. Six of my close friends, Sonjay, Tia, Devon, Alex, Matt and Kendra will be staying up here as well which will give me people to hang out with and will hopefully reduce my loneliness and bouts with depression that I struggle with so much when I’m alone. I do of course wish that more people from my main group I hang out with this year would be there, especially my boyfriend of course but I think it will be a good summer regardless, and I’ll still get to talk to them and hopefully see them some throughout the summer.

I’m determined to make this one a good year. It’s my last summer before I graduate, before I have to actually be an adult and such and I plan on making the most of it.

I’ll keep you updated. :)



P.S. Iron Man 3 premiere was last weekend and is ONE OF THE MOST PERFECT MOVIES I’VE EVER SEEN. And tonight is the Great Gatsby premiere! Yeah!

The Future is Coming

The future is coming quickly, it’s a just a year and a month til I graduate, til I’m done with formal education forever. I know what I want to do, I want to be on the police force in my college town, at least for a bit, maybe move onto more law enforcement later but that’s mostly it. I know that, but I’m still terrified. I have a plan but the fact that I’m almost completely on my own, I’m moving into my first apartment, out of the dorms next month and it scares me.

How did this happen? How did I get to be an adult? A 21-year-old, with an awesome boyfriend, working and paying for college on my own, about to move out into the real world depending completely on myself. I need to save for a car. I need to focus fully on school now that I’m at the end. I need to be the person I’m supposed to be, the person God wants me to be. I need to put God first in my life, above all else, I need to trust.

Growing up is weird, I have a month before I move into my apartment now. This summer will certainly be better than last, I’ll have an actual home instead of living on someone’s couch, I’ll still be working at the same place and be away from my family (which is a blessing) but this summer I’ll have friends up here with me and won’t be alone. I don’t feel like an adult still though, will that ever happen? Will I ever feel independent of people?

I don’t know. I don’t know a lot of things. I’m scared. The future is terrifying but God is in control. I’m blessed. I don’t know what’ll happen next year, whether I’ll get the policing job I want. I don’t know. But I do know God loves me and will provide. He’s given me a family of friends that means the world to me and He’ll never abandon me.

And that is comforting.

I’m terrible at blogging.

Ok, so the title’s not quite true, I’m actually awesome at blogging – on Tumblr. Seriously, I post all the time on there. My actual problem is getting off… but on here I just seem to have run out of things to say on a regular basis so for anyone still reading this, I do apologize for my sporadic posting.

I’m not going to promise I’ll get better at it because frankly that’s a serious promise and we’d all probably be disappointed by the outcome. However, when the inspiration strikes, I promise I will write whatever comes to mind. :)

Also, if you are interested in just hearing my thoughts more regularly not necessarily in writing form, I have started VEDA on my YouTube channel. For any who don’t know, that is Vlog Every Day in April which is something many vloggers take part in every April. Since I’m just getting my YouTube channel really started and don’t currently have many viewers or videos, I thought maybe this was a good idea to hopefully get it to take off a bit. I guess we’ll see how the month goes.

At the start of this, I’m currently at 27 subscribers, 11 videos and 589 overall views. I’m desperately hoping to increase that quite a bit over the month but I’m trying not to get my hopes up too high.

But yeah, if you’re interested in that I’ll leave some videos down below and in the meantime I will try to think of some more things to write on here. :)

In other news: Doctor Who is back and I’m ecstatic. Also Supernatural is again breaking my heart and I just started watching the BBC Robin Hood.

I hope you’re all doing well! :)

Hope <3


A Discussion on Tattoos

Yesterday I finally brought up to my mom my desire for tattoos. She’s had suspicions I think that I’ve wanted tattoos but never quite known for sure and as it wasn’t relevant quite yet and I had not broached the subject with her, knowing that she would undoubtedly overreact, being my mother. I simply told her that within the next month I would be getting a tattoo and it will be on my arm where it can be covered up if necessary but can also be displayed when I want it to be.  The tattoo is a quote from John Green in my handwriting, “We need never be hopeless because we can never be irreparably broken.”

Now, I’ve thought about tattoos long and hard over the years and this is definitely not a decision I’ve jumped to without any thought. It’s important to me and is my decision, I’ve been saving up in preparation for this expense for over a year and while it does cost a lot it will be on my body forever.

Mom of course was horrified by the thought of me putting something on my body forever, much less in a place where it is apparent and tried to talk me out of it by pointing out when I’m old my skin will look awful with a tattoo there. I’m sorry but that’s a long time from now and in the meantime I’ll have all these years to enjoy it. When I’m old I hardly think my tattoo on my arm will be my main concern.

She also said “But on your wedding day! You won’t be able to cover it up then!” … Why would I want to? Let’s assume that I get married, it’ll probably be within the next 10-15 years probably, why would I want to cover up a tattoo that I’ve purposely put on my skin to show off to people? And by then I’ll have more than just the one… That’s the weirdest argument I’ve ever heard. Plus, if for some reason I did want to cover it up, there are ways to make that possible.

I just don’t understand why there’s so much judgement about tattoos, it’s my body, it’s not hurting anyone and this particular tattoo I’m getting, a quote from John Green is meant to encourage and remind me of what’s important and to keep me strong.

Sigh. All well, I’m just super excited to get my first tattoo soon!

Hope <3

This is My Story

This is my testimony. I used to be sad that it’s not as powerful as others but then I realized that God gave me the testimony I have for a reason and sharing it is important and can hopefully help some people out! :)

Ok, so basically I was raised in a church, my parents took me twice a week, that’s how I was raised. (Though I’ve now come to unfortunately doubt just how strong in their personal faiths my parents are due to their actions, I hope they’re truly Christians though.) When I was about 3, they took me to a Billy Graham crusade where I asked to be taken down for the altar call and accept Christ. Since I was so young, when I was about 9 I prayed again, with more of an understanding this time, really thinking about how I wanted to serve God.

For a while, I just went about my life, I obeyed my parents, never cussed, never drank, never did anything slightly rebellious at all but I also didn’t do anything fantastic either. I just lived and always made excuses about why I never went out my way to witness to people, “I might say the wrong thing, turn people away.” “I’m not good at speaking.” “God will use other people.” All those excuses are crap, as a Christian it is literally a command that I go out and tell people the good news, even though I don’t have all the answers nor am I good at speaking, it’s my job, God will take care of the rest.

Anyways, I got a little bolder at the end of high school, I had a really awesome Youth Group that helped me grow in my faith but I still wasn’t so keen on sharing but I continued in growth and fellowship.

Sophomore year of college, (Last year) completely changed everything. I had about 6 really close friends on my floor who were incredibly strong Christians and we spent so much time fellowshipping, worshipping and discussing our faith amongst ourselves and with others on my floor. One of them, Kyle, my RA, has the most incredible passion for Christ I’ve ever seen. People who hate God and Christians would go up and ask him about his faith because it’s so infectious and he just loves with the most incredible, God-like love I’ve ever seen. They all helped me last year, but Kyle helped me the most.

Seeing him and the way he loved everyone, made me want that too. I want to love like God does and bring everyone I possibly can to Him.

Throughout my life, though I’ve been incredibly blessed, I’ve also gone through a lot of crap. My parents are not… the most loving. We’ll say that. For years I’ve constantly heard things like how much I suck and how I’m the worst person imaginable and I’m a disappointment, a whole lot of verbal abuse that honestly I think comes partially from my mother possibly having a mental disorder. I don’t blame them for it because I don’t know if it’s intentional but it still hurts and has left me in a lot of pain and I’m damaged to say the least.

Going through all that stuff with my family has been so hard, especially in the past 5 years or so and there have been many times when I wasn’t sure if I could make it. I didn’t have the will to go on or the hope to see a way out or a future. I’ve hard dark times and while I’m not out of that depression to say the least, I have a bit of hope for the future just because of how faithful God has always been.

Even in little things, which to me mean more than big things, God has been faithful and has always shown Himself and how much He cared. Things like providing a job and housing for last summer when it appeared originally there would be nowhere. Things like bringing the closest friends I’ve ever met and the friends who have accepted me more tightly than a family would when people I thought were my friends left. Even smaller things, like finding a Loki t-shirt I had wanted for months on a super intense sale. God has been incredibly faithful and awesome through everything.

Because of that, that’s why I believe. That’s why through all my hard times I won’t give up. That’s why I trust in Him even when everything looks hopeless. I suck and am so unworthy of everything He’s blessed me with but He loves me and provides for me anyways.

I don’t know what I’d do without my faith and the people I love. I have been blessed.

Hope <3

Jeremiah 29:11 ~ “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

My Life In Facebook Statuses (Part 3)

December 12: Hope then dramatically hurled all her papers and threw them in the trash because she was finally finished with finals.

December 13: Having a Lord of the Rings marathon is the best way to prepare for the Hobbit tonight!!

December 14: Oh my gosh. The Hobbit. I can’t. My feels. Peter Jackson. Ah. I don’t even have words.

December 16: I wish I could just hibernate through break. I feel like that situation would be a win for everyone involved.

December 19: “How do you pick up the threads of an old life? How do you go on… when in your heart you begin to understand… there is no going back?” ~ Frodo Baggins

* Obviously not one I wrote but was incredibly relevant throughout break.*

December 20: Accordion to a recent survey, replacing words with the names of musical instruments in a sentence often goes undetected.

December 20: Well, if the world does end tomorrow, at least my last act today was a Star Wars party and finding more Redditors. Excellent.

December 21: “I was so alone, and I owe you so much.” ~ John Watson *Bursts into never ending tears* Why. Why did I re-watch The Reichenbach Fall.

December 22: You all think the Mayans were wrong about the world ending, but did you stop to think that maybe someone was out there stopping our impending doom? “And his name is The Doctor. He has saved your lives so many times and you never even knew he was there. He never stops, he never stays, he never asks to be thanked. But I’ve seen him, I know him. I love him. And I know what he can do.”

December 22: I can now confirm that the Hobbit is even better the second time around and is in fact worth seeing in IMAX 3D. Peter Jackson, you flawless person, I need to give you a hug.

December 24: Me: Hey dad, Noelle, do you want to hear how fast I can named the dwarves of the Hobbit?

Dad: No.
Me: Fili, Kili, Nori, Ori, Dori, Dwalin, Balin, Bifur, Bofur, Bombur, Oin, Gloin and Thorin.
Dad: Was Tolkien on drugs when naming them?
Me: WHAT!? No! Obviously their names sound the same because they’re related!
Dad: I can’t believe you can say all those names with a serious face…
Me: HOW ELSE WOULD YOU SAY THEM!? Here are the pictures.
*starts pointing out each dwarf*
*Dad starts looking away*
Dad: I’m IGNORIN’.

*Sigh* My family…

December 25:  Dear body,
When I set my laptop away and laid under my covers with my eyes closed, it meant that I wanted to go to sleep, not suddenly become more awake than I’ve been for the rest of the day. I don’t think you understand, I actually have to wake up early in the morning and I would like some sleep for that so I don’t fall asleep randomly or have yet another headache tomorrow.
So yeah… if I could fall asleep some time really soon, that’d be a cool Christmas present.

December 31: I’m sure glad I have Facebook to let me know it snowed outside. Otherwise I would have never been able to tell by looking out my window or anything. Also, the only thing that makes this snow ok is apparently they named this winter storm Gandalf. So, that’s acceptable I suppose.

December 31: I felt like I should post a deep, moving status before the end of the year, maybe mention my goals for 2013 or how much I love everyone but while I do love you all, I’m afraid I really don’t have anything deep to say. What I do have to say is I’m spending my last minutes of 2012 doing what means a lot to me, watching Doctor Who with a friend. Happy New Year friends, may we spend this new year with those we care about and be the best we can and do what’s important. I’m blessed to have you all in my life. :)

January 1: “Hope is like an older, excitable puppy… Or an older basset hound.. You can’t say no when she asks you nicely.” ~ Michael – Nicest thing anyone has ever said about me.

January 1: Noelle: Wow, it got really quiet in here.

Tj: Oh sorry… That’s because I was thinking about para-pelagic penguins. Like if I found one, I would keep it as a pet. Because then it couldn’t run away.

January 4: Sometimes when I get bored I compile pictures of how drastically my hair has changed since I graduated high school, and even that wasn’t my natural hair color, in fact, over half of you have never even seen my natural hair. But hey, what’s hair for if you can’t change it, right? :D603080_10151227208744033_472459986_nJanuary 4: Dear person who just drove by me as I was laying down taking pictures in my yard,
Please don’t give me that strange look. Sometimes the clouds look awesome and need to be photographed immediately and one doesn’t always have time to change out of their fuzzy socks and put on shoes.
A girl obsessed with taking pictures (Especially of awesome clouds)

January 9: Well, it took me long enough but I have finally finished all of Firefly and Serenity. It was beautiful, flawless and heartbreaking and I will never know why it only got one season. Also thanks for breaking my heart, Joss Whedon. You can go join the list of people I both love and hate simultaneously with Steven Moffat.

January 14: In buying textbooks for my classes I discovered that one of my Criminology classes requires a Batman comic books for the class. Something tells me I’ll enjoy this class.

January 14: Finally learned how to play Yu-Gi-Oh tonight thanks to Megan. And after at least 30 of you had told me to, I finally started Breaking Bad. So yeah, that’s how I’m spending the last week before school starts…

January 16: *Boss walks into work*
Boss: Hi, Hope! We missed you. I heard you were a hipster.
Me: Um.. why am I hipster?
Boss: Oh I found a rap about hipsters on YouTube! I heard you were one.
Me: Oh, ok then…

January 16: This job makes me lose faith in humanity. It scares me a bit how many idiots they let into college. *Sigh*

January 17: It’s starting to become a daily occurrence for me to get in an intense DC vs Marvel debate. I regret nothing.

New year? New survey!

I stole this survey from Kim :) Enjoy!

  • What was the best part of this year? There were so many good parts, meeting new people, learning a lot by living alone, going to visit Erin in Georgia, random adventures with Carrie, hardly sleeping because of fun times with Andrew, David, Sonjay, Blake, Hailey and all of them. I don’t know. All of those I guess.
  • What was the worst part of this year?  This summer, living alone without friends nearby was really hard but when I finally met some new people it turned out to be really good.
  • What was the biggest surprise of the year?  Definitely having a boyfriend. Never saw that one coming..
  • What are you most looking forward to in 2013?  Doctor Who anniversary special!, Adventures and shenanigans with my best friends, my best friend’s wedding in June, living alone again this summer (I’m more prepared this year and friends will be there this time!!)
  • Is there anything you are not looking forward to?  I’m kinda nervous to live in an apartment next year instead of the dorms but it’ll be a new adventure.
  • Which New Year’s resolution did you keep this year?  I read my Bible very regularly and I grew a lot as a person.
  • Which resolution are you most likely to keep this year? I’m not really having resolutions this year, I’m just gonna work on being more who God wants me to be.
  • Which are you most likely going to break?  N/a
  • Who are you going to be with when the ball drops? Well, it’s already passed but I spent it with my friend TJ watching a Doctor Who marathon. Also I was talking to my friend Sonjay..
  • What was the best song of the year for you?  GAH. That’s like asking a person their favorite child. It was between “Live and Die” by the Avett Brothers,  “Little Bird” by Ed Sheeran and “Hold Onto What You Believe” by Mumford & Sons
  • Best television of the year?  Not a real question, Doctor Who and Sherlock are obviously the answers. :)
  • What was the best book of the year?  The Fault in our Stars by John Green
  • Best film of the year?  It’s a tie between the Avengers and the Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey. Which have also now tied as my two all time favorite movies.
  • What change would you like to see in the world next year?  I want to see more people loving each other. And being there for others.
  • With whom were your most valuable relationships: Carrie, Erin, Alex, Hailey, David, Andrew, Sonjay, Blake and Michael.
  • What was your single biggest time waster?  Tumblr. No doubt!
  • Create a catchphrase to describe your 2012.  I’m no good at catchphrases… Lo siento :/

The End of the World?

So as all of you know, the Mayan calendar ends tomorrow, and many people have weirdly assumed this means the end of the world (Considering all calendars end, I’m not sure why this assumption was made, but it has been) and while there have been some tremendous posts about this all over the internet especially today, I think it’s all a load of crap. I mean, for one thing, they never predicted the end, like I just said, but for another thing, even if they had, who the heck cares? Why should the Mayans know better than anyone else when the world is ending?  The Bible clearly says, “But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father…therefore keep watch, because you do not know on what day your Lord will come. But understand this: If the owner of the house had known at what time of night the thief was coming, he would have kept watch and would not have let his house be broken into. So you also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him.”  (Matthew 24:36, 42-44)

So yeah, I’m not real worried. And if it does end, I spent my day in pretty much the worst way to end the world ever, I spent it alone, on the internet and didn’t even get dressed til 5pm (I mean, then I went and watched Star Wars with my old Youth Group but… yeah, not the best :P) but you know what, while I’ve never done anything truly memorable or extraordinary in my life, I don’t really have any regrets. I’ve lived, I’ve caused shenanigans, I’ve loved, even when it hurts me a lot and I’ve tried my best to be the best person I can be to others. I try to be loyal and caring for everyone and though I’ve screwed up a lot, I really have tried and though I suck at things, I guess trying is the best I could do, which I have.

So, if the world by some random chance does end in a few hours, it’s been a privilege blogging, I’ve enjoyed this and am actually somewhat proud of it.

Stay safe friends, (And be prepared for the zombies ;) )


My Life in Facebook statuses. (Part 2)

I liked the last time I made a post like this because sometimes I try to make witty Facebook statuses so once again, here are some of the better ones I’ve had in the past month of so.

So here you go!

November 3: It makes my day that people are interviewing each other in our lobby to see who could join their Zombie survival team. Priorities: My floor has them.

November 6: All of my Facebook is either filled with things about voting or about Halo 4. And now I just witnessed some angry man yelling lies about religion in front of the Union, I need election day to be over.

November 8: When our floor was discussing whether or not Vampire Diaries was a quality show or not:

Iniki: Get over yourself, David!

David: Get over myself? It’s you I have a problem with!

November 9: Only at college can you witness 8 people riding their bikes through Seaton and onto the street. I don’t know what just happened.

November 10: Talking to me: “You have so many issues it’s impossible to even deal with them all at once.” ~ Alex (My roommate)

November 12: *Two guys on my floor*

Dylan: I’m too tired to be sassy right now.
Michel: That’s when I become sassay!!

November 13:

Dear people walking around comfortably in shorts,
Please show me your magic ways of staying warm. I do not like this weather, it makes me want to die.
Girl who is freezing in a coat, gloves and a Hufflepuff scarf

November 16: Found on the internet and is so accurate: Dear women who went to see the last Twilight film at midnight, THIS is why you’re alone every other night at midnight.

November 21: I successfully peeled and chopped up carrots without chopping my hand. I’m making progress here. *Within 30 minutes, I had 12 people like this, that’s when I knew I had a problem.*

November 21: Noelle (My sister): *Opens dishwasher that is still going* “Oh sorry! You’re not done yet!”

November 22: I’m so thankful for pie, even though I ate too much of it, it was delicious. :) My love for pie really does rival Dean Winchester’s love for it.

November 28: I’m not gonna lie, sometimes when it’s cold enough to see my breath I walk around and pretend like I’m a dragon. I regret nothing.

November 29: Iniki: “Sometimes you just need a friend to jump up and down about your fandoms with you, even if they don’t care.”

November 30: Nothing like practicing the Gangnam style dance with your supervisor at work.

December 1: Today was definitely one of the best days ever! When you can’t go swimming, the next obvious choice is to go hiking in swimming clothes and flip flops up and down Manhattan Hill. :) You guys are all awesome.

December 2: After a second night in a row of staying up past 4am, I have concluded that sleep is for the weak. Friends are always more important. :)

December 3: Thank you, Kansas. For once in my life I am enjoying the weather in December. You can stay 70 degrees as long as you want.

December 3: Just read a fanfiction about Sauron, Voldemort, The Hulk and a Dalek. What the heck?

December 9: Listening to Siri be sassy is the most entertaining thing I’ve done all day.

December 10: Wow, Kansas. You stayed warm for a long time but sure didn’t waste any time getting cold did you?

December 11: I’m not excited about this 7:30 Stats final across campus when it’s freezing outside but at least I’m done with math classes forever after this!

December 11: Finals week makes people more sassy than usual. And makes people apparently like to steal my stuff more than usual as well. And then sometimes use martial arts moves against me…. :)

December 12: You would think that continuously getting only 4 hours of sleep would start to take a toll but really I’m just getting used to it now, and besides, hanging out with people makes it totally worth it.

A Tale of Little Sleep and Fun with Friends

I apologize for my lack of updating as of late but finals week is currently happening and “dead week” (aka the teacher’s try to kill you with work week) was last week so for once I’ve actually been not procrastinating (as much) and have put my school work (and my friends) ahead of other things (like this blog).

Anyways, to pick up where my last update left off, just after I posted my last update, to continue the fun from our adventures, after my school’s home football game, Andrew texted me and David and told us we should come hang out, unfortunately neither of us have a car so we went to track someone down. Ben was going to bed (I mean, it was almost 1am by this point but who needs sleep? I can sleep when I’m dead.), Hailey was going to hang out with some other friends and everyone else with a car had something else to do (Mostly sleep…) so after searching for a while we finally convinced Blake that he should not stay up doing nothing and watching TV and should drive us. He did, and by the time we got to Andrew’s it was nearly 2am, we stayed there for a while as Andrew, David, Blake and James (Andrew’s roommate) played Super Smash Bros (And I watched due to lack of controllers) and then watched Avatar: The Last Airbender as they played Magic: The Gathering (Their main obsession in life). It was funny because while playing Super Smash, Blake told one of them to stop playing like a girl, then immediately realized  that I was there and he should apologize. Considering I have a pure hatred of 95% of the female population my response was, “Are you kidding me? I’m more sexist against women than most guys I know!” Being the amazing boyfriend he is and having a lot of the same opinions as I do, Andrew just turned to look at me and said, “Hope, I like you so much.” This all went on for a while until about 4:30 when David and I were like “Um, guys, we have to wake up about 8:30 for church…” so we left. (Like I said, I can sleep when I’m dead).

The next few days were uneventful until Tuesday after I got done with class and Hailey and I went to finally go get my bellybutton pierced! Surprisingly, though I was terrified beforehand it didn’t hurt at all and I really like it! When we got back, Hailey, Sonjay, Michael, Ben and I went to dinner and then the 5 of us plus David and Becca and Tia (Who I had just met at dinner) all went on our weekly swimming adventure to the University’s pool.

Thursday night, I went to my student ministry Navigators as usual (And gave the announcements because I’m an official MC now!!) and afterwards I got a text from Hailey saying that they were all (Her, David, Ben, Sonjay and Blake) going over to Andrew’s to watch a movie if I wanted to ride with them (The answer of course was yes, though fortunately for once I didn’t have classes Friday so it didn’t matter how late I stayed up!) so we went, hung out there and stayed until about 3.

Friday night, Carrie and I ate dinner together and then went to my friend Allie’s Christmas party and giggled and decorated cookies and colored out of coloring books (we’re totally adults guys, it’s fine!). Then Allie was like, “Check out this ginormous stocking I have! Two people will fit inside!” So of course Carrie and I being the mature, completely normal people we are got inside…


After that, we went back and I went bowling with David, Hailey, Michael, Ben, Sonjay, Blake and Tia (And by bowling I mean they were bowling and I didn’t want to spend money and I suck at bowling so I just hung out) and then went to Burger King.

Saturday was mostly spent studying (And thinking a lot about the Hobbit) until about 10 when I got a text from Andrew (who was also bored of studying) saying that they wanted to make pancakes and did I want to come (As you can all tell by this point, I don’t say no to hanging out really) so he, James and Ben picked me up and we went to his apartment where we were later joined by Sonjay and Blake. After our late night pancakes, we watched the movie Rat Race then decided to watch random things on Netflix. Sonjay and Ben decided about 2:30 that they were tired and should go to bed but Blake and I decided we should stay. After a while James went to bed too so Andrew and I were kinda cuddling on the couch with Blake sitting next to Andrew (Andrew asked if he wanted to cuddle with us but for some reason he said he’d pass…:P) then about 4 Andrew looked over and was like, “Um, Hope. What time do you have to get up for church?” I replied 8:40 and he of course asked with a bit of concern if I would be ok, the answer was yes, I can sleep when I’m dead.

Since then I’ve been studying, working a bit and I’ve taken 5 of my 6 finals (The last final is in about 4 hours, I’m SO ready to be done! And then I’ll stay at school til Friday evening!). Last night, I went to bed early (at 10:30, so we’re talking EXTREMELY early), not because I was tired but because I simply was bored of studying and had nothing else to do. Then (fortunately my phone was on), Andrew texted me about 11:30 and asked if I wanted to go get something to eat with all of them. The answer was yes and that proves just how much I like this kid, I woke up, got out of my bunk bed and changed out of my pajamas to go hang out with them. :) He’s worth it though. After eating Ben wanted to continue hanging with James and Andrew and though I had to work this morning at 8 I said I wanted to as well. So we went to Andrew’s apartment, watched Futurama (as Andrew and I were cuddling on the couch some more. :D) and stayed until 3-ish. So yes, again I got roughly 4 hours of sleep but it’s ok. After my final at 2pm I have nothing else to do and can sleep and hang out til I go home Friday.

Basically, this is the story of my life right now, and I regret nothing.

tumblr_l664v5mr3z1qanb21o1_500_thumbHope ♥


Adventure Time!

No this post title is not a reference to the brilliantly, fantastic, cartoon children’s show on Cartoon Network that I’ve recently gotten addicted too, it’s about my own life adventures. :D But for future reference, Adventure Time is by far one of the best shows currently on.

So this weekend started off with me having absolutely no plans and kind of expecting to be bored the whole time. As has proved true in the past, this keeps turning out to be the best way to start a weekend because spontaneous adventures are more fun!

So yesterday, I went to work and while being kind of bored at work, my supervisor Ben (Who is not my usual supervisor, he’s usually in a different part of the office but our normal one was out for the day) started teasing me about my excitement for the Hobbit (You guys for real have no idea, it’s getting weird and over the top and scaring people, TWELVE MORE DAYS!!!!!) and then randomly got on the subject of Gangnam style. Yes, the Korean singer/dancer Psy has kind of exploded with popularity and nearly everyone knows the song and dance to Gangnam style but I wasn’t quite expecting Ben to reference it, but then it got better because he was complaining about how he couldn’t do part of the dance so he tried to practice, at the front of our office, then somehow convinced me to as well, definitely a humorous way for one’s office time to go. Then about 4:40, 20 minutes before our office closes and we get to leave, Ben asked us all if we wanted to leave early. Naturally we said yes (after we clarified that he wasn’t trolling us) and he let us leave!
After that my Friday not got incredibly boring and for a while I was worried about the direction my life was going because I literally spent two hours going through my iTunes and making sure all my 2,000 songs had album artwork. Wow, really, Hope, kudos to you, you successfully spent your first Friday night as a 21-year-old in the most boring way possible.

But that all changed when the fire nation attacked. I mean, then around 11, Andrew messaged me on Facebook saying that Ben, Sonjay and Hailey were getting ready to come to his apartment and that David and I should come over with them immediately. We did so of course and got there, made macaroni and cheese (With Phineas and Ferb and Spongebob shapes of course), watched the show Archer (Inappropriate at times but hilarious), played some Super Smash Bros. (You will never understand how terrible at that game I am… but I’m getting better now.), played a board game called Ticket To Ride and watched Fullmetal Alchemist (Yep, getting into Anime now, you know, I really wasn’t enough of a nerd before, we must go NERDIER!! :P). After that we mostly just talked and looked up humorous YouTube videos for a bit until around 4am when we decided maybe it was time for us all to leave and come back to the dorms so we could sleep.

Today after waking up about noon, I prepared to go with my Hailey to go get my bellybutton pierced. WHAT. Yeah, you know, it’s been since July since I got a spontaneous piercing, I need another one right? Well, what happened was Hailey suggested it the other day and when I asked why she asked why not and I had no good answer and then she offered for it to be my birthday/Christmas present so I accepted. However, upon our arrival at the tattoo parlor, we were informed that the piercing person was out sick today, so we went and grabbed some ice cream and window shopped for a bit before being anxiously texted by Ben saying that they were ready for us all to go swimming and we should come back and get ready immediately

Ben, Hailey, Michael, Blake, Sonjay, Diamond and I got all ready to go swimming and were excited but then when trying to go into the building found out that due to our home football game today the pool was closed. A bit disheartened we started to leave when Sonjay said, “Guys, we’re dressed for an adventure, we have to find one.” In a rare moment of being decisive, I said, “You guys are all freshman, have you ever been to Manhattan Hill?”, the majority of them had not so I said that we needed to go immediately. We went and instead of just sitting on the letters that say Manhattan and enjoying the view as I have always done before, we all decided that we should go exploring fully in the forest (While still in our swimming clothes and flip-flops. Though most of us ditched the shoes and went barefoot down and eventually back up the rocky path.). While this may not seem like the smartest idea, it was actually the best. Oh man, like literally top 5 days of my life. I’m so blessed by this new group of friends, I can’t even tell you.

The beginning of this semester I was so sad and lonely and Carrie was really my only friend that I was in consistent contact with (By the way, the reason she was not involved with my adventurous weekend is she’s in marching band and as the last home football game is this weekend, she doesn’t have a life unfortunately. :( ) but now I have this new awesome group and a boyfriend who is awesome and great (And he wasn’t there today because of the football game and tailgating and such) and I’m just so blessed and thankful and I take these things for granted way to often but God is good and did have a plan all along and is amazing at filling my heat’s needs and desires.

Thank you, God. :)

Hope ♥


Today is my 21st birthday and I feel like I’ve done nothing of consequence for my whole life. What do I have to show for the 21 years I’ve been here? If I were to die right now, my obituary would literally only talk about how I’m the girl who freaks out over fictional characters and random fandoms, and who has weird mannerisms. Have I done anything important? Not really, I mean, I try to make the most out of life and have fun with it but I feel like I haven’t been as productive as I should have.
I feel like that’s something I need to work on, something I need to strive for, making my life memorable, definitely not less weird, I want to have weird stories of random adventures follow me for life but I want to do more, do something important, something that will help better the lives of others and maybe myself too.
So, we’ll see what I can do here, I’m gonna do something important and I’m gonna try to do it soon!
Hope ♥

I am full of irrational fears.

I was talking with a friend the other day about our fears and I realized something, none of my fears are rational. Literally, none of them, or normal for that matter, I’m not afraid of serial killers or of bugs or anything that most people are. Nope, not me, however, I am afraid of a lot of things. Such as:

Statues: Now, to any fan of Doctor Who this one is pretty natural but I am legitimately terrified that I’m going to run into a Weeping Angel and it will transport me to another time. MOFFAT.

Calling people: And here’s where they start to get strange. I’m terrified as in like paralyzingly so of calling people. Not talking on the phone, no, that I can do for hours (Which is good.. since my job calls for it) but calling people I can’t do. Not even friends. Actually, especially not friends for some reason, I’ve gotten to where I can call places and order food (And that step came like last month, yay, just before I turn 21, you should all be super proud) but calling people I know for some reason paralyzes me with fear. I will do almost anything to avoid calling people on the phone, much to the frustration of my family and friends.

Being naked: Yep, possibly too much information to share with strangers on the internet but I hate being naked. Some people hate wearing clothes and are always like “Wow, I wish I was home alone so I could take my clothes off”, not me, nope. I keep them on, always, I even get uncomfortable going to take a shower and taking my clothes off! Maybe I’m a never nude like on Arrested Development! Or maybe I’m just really modest… Whatever it is, I like to wear clothes all of the time.

Going to the bathroom: And here’s where it gets super strange. Yes, I’m afraid of going to the bathroom. Yes, I know everyone does it and it happens all the time but it scares me. Like not all the time does it scare me, but at like other people’s houses or if I’m in a group of people somewhere, I HATE going to the bathroom, I guess I just feel gross or embarrassed about it or something, I don’t know. I know it’s weird, I will literally wait til the last possible second before going to the bathroom when I’m around people and not like at my house or in my dorm or something. ESPECIALLY if I’m in a group of like all guys, I don’t know why, it’s weird, I need to get over it because sometimes people have to go and it’s unavoidable. I don’t know… Like I said, I know it’s super weird. There have even been cases where I’ve had to go at someone’s apartment or house and then held it until I left and then stopped at a gas station on the way home to go instead of going at their house. WHAT THE PANTS IS WRONG WITH ME. THIS IS NOT NORMAL.

So yeah, because you all needed more evidence of how I’m the weirdest person ever, have some of my weird fears. And enjoy laughing at them, because you should, they’re funny.

Well I Suppose I Should Tell You All…

Once again, I deeply apologize for my lack of frequent posting this week. I could blame this on my school work, and I would be partially accurate but there is another aspect of my life that has changed recently that has caused me to become, well, slightly distracted. I admit that I actually have kept something from you all for a bit but decided to wait for the reveal until I was actually sure something would happen, yes, I’ve hinted a bit but I suppose it’s time for you all to know: I have a boyfriend. *Insert ridiculously big grin and unusually girly happiness*. That’s right, I, Hope, the forever alone but wishing she wasn’t girl has a nice, not-creepy boy interested in her so much that he asked her to be his girlfriend. :D
This has now been official for a week as of today and obviously I’m not gonna go into too much detail here (Sorry internet, I don’t want you to have all the personal details of my life) but yeah, he’s pretty great. I met him through a friend on my dorm floor and a group of us have been hanging out together pretty much every night for about a month now. We hit it off pretty well, he loves the Office, Arrested Development and Hot Rod which was an instant bond (and we quote those all the time together now) and then I found out he also enjoys Marvel comics (and let me borrow some of his! :D) and thinks Loki is a great villain. It’s pretty dang exciting. :D Then about a week and a half ago he asked me to go on a date (We went to a movie) and within the next few days, he asked me to be his girlfriend, Facebook official and everything!
Isn’t God’s timing fantastic? Less than a week before this started happening was when I wrote a post about never finding anyone, and how I was gonna turn 21 without ever having gone on a date, apparently God had different plans which I am more than happy to accept. :D
So yeah… that’s what’s been happening, lots of hanging out and movie watching and such but I will be less busy school wise after tomorrow so hopefully I’ll get back to posting more regularly then! :D