Tag Archive | Blogs

Not Motivated

I have been doing really bad thus far in the semester maintaining my post on my blog every day thing like I usually do. It’s not even that I haven’t had time, it’s that I’ve been like completely unmotivated or have had no ideas on what to write about. And it’s not just in my blog, it’s like my brain is still in summer mode (Which is weird since I spent all of summer wishing it was over) and I’m not motivated to do anything in class or things either. I just want to hang out with my friends. Which is obviously bad… Oops. Hope, start working like you should.

So yeah… I apologize for my lack of posting as of late but that’s why.. Hopefully this lack of motivation will go away soon. And it’s weird too, as unmotivated as I am I currently have A’s in all my classes, so I’m actually still doing my school work correctly, but all I want to do is hang out and/or sleep.
Bad Hope.

Have a nice weekend everyone!
Hope ♥

Very Inspiring Blogger Award

Yesterday I was blessed and immensely surprised to find out that Matthew over at http://cleansedbygod.wordpress.com nominated me for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award. I was quite surprised for sure to find this out but I am also quite honored that anybody ever reads my blogs, much less thinks it’s inspiring. The rules for this award are as follows:

1) Display the award logo on your blog.

2) Link back to the person who nominated you.

3) State 7 things about yourself.

4) Nominate 15 other bloggers for this award and link to them.

5) Notify those bloggers of the nomination and the award’s requirements.

So, 7 things about myself.

1. I love to read more than almost anything else.

2. I hate spending time by myself, I’m such a people person I thrive on the company of others.

3. I consider myself an amateur photographer, it’s one of my passions.

4. I’m one of the most awkward, random people you’ll ever meet.

5. I think YouTube is one of the greatest things ever invented, it can be hilarious, educational or both.

6. When it’s nice outside, I’m almost always barefoot, like literally my feet have grown so accustomed to it that I can walk comfortably over almost any surface or hot temperature. (It freaks a lot of people out)

7. I could give up almost anything in my life except Dr Pepper. Do not take away my Dr Pepper. :)

Inspiring Bloggers (I don’t follow a lot of bloggers… So I’m tagging 10.):

1. http://checkinthere.wordpress.com/

2. http://victoria-writes.com/

3. http://corycopeland.net

4. http://lindsayelisabeth.wordpress.com

5. http://erinbergmann.wordpress.com

6. http://oneragamuffin.wordpress.com/

7. http://riddikuluslyawesome.wordpress.com/

8. http://melissajenna.com

9. http://jenniferbuczynski.wordpress.com/

10. http://leeleewrites.com/

My Blog

I realized the other day that while I’ve had this blog for almost two years now, I’ve never really mentioned why I started blogging or what the significance of my blog name is.
It’s hard to believe that I’ve been blogging for about 2 years but I have. When I started it was mostly because two of my friends had gotten blogs and it seemed like a cool idea and honestly I never thought anybody would ever read it. My first post was on May 8, 2010 and to be honest it wasn’t a great one, just a stereotypical “Hello World” sort of post randomly describing my life. I’m glad to say that my posts have gotten at least a lot more meaningful and hopefully better written as well. Instead of just always writing about pointless things (though yes, I realize there are still quite a few of those posts too) I try now to write about relevant topics, topics that are important to me and posts that will interest my readers.
And yes, onto my readers, somehow, by the grace of God, I now have 94 of you subscribed to my blog and as of writing this, I have 42,266 all-time views. Frankly, I’m not sure how this has happened, I just started writing for fun and though I know in the scheme of things that’s not a large number of views, I appreciate every single one of them and every one of you readers because I wouldn’t have ever expected that I would get even 100 views. You guys are awesome, thank you all!
Another thing you all might be curious about, why ElvishJesusFreak? Well, For my long time readers it’s probably obvious and it’s really simple but basically I love the Elves from Tolkien’s world of Middle Earth and I’m in love with Jesus and am an absolute Jesus Freak.
So yeah, that’s about it really, other than I would like to say again how much I appreciate every one of you readers and am so thankful each time I get another view. You guys are brilliant.
Hope ♥

Why Do I Blog, Anyways?

About a week ago, one of the blog posts on the Freshly Pressed page really impacted me. It was about why this person blogs. It was super well written and had great points and a fabulous quote from Doctor Who to start the post off (Said post is here: http://outsideair.wordpress.com/2012/03/22/what-blogging-has-tought-me/) and it got me to thinking, why do I blog? I’ve thought about it for a few days now and I’ve come up with a list (Some are actually the same reasons as the original post has but I’d been thinking of them before too! I swear I didn’t steal them! :D)

1. It’s a great escape to just write down all my thoughts. Writing them down (Er, um, typing them out) helps me really organize them and think about what’s actually going on and stuff. It helps me process things better and work out everything that’s happening to me.

2. It’s an awesome way to get connected to people from all over the world. When I started blogging almost two years ago now, I would’ve never dreamed I’d make any friends on here or that anybody would ever even read my blog, much to my surprise I’ve now passed over 40,000 all-time views and I have 77 subscribers. I’m so blessed by each and every one of you and any readers that may just lurk around and view my blog on occasion. Through this experience I’ve gotten to “meet” people from the opposite ends of the world from me. It’s so awesome to think that my just typing out my random thoughts has been able to accomplish that.

3. It’s a way to share my story and my faith with others. Sure, I don’t really have that much of a moving life story or even a super interesting one but apparently at least some people enjoy reading what I have to write on occasion and because of that I try to write things of encouragement a lot and write what I feel God has laid on my heart to share with others. While my life story really isn’t all that interesting to me, I desperately hope and pray that people can be encouraged by my faith and come to know how awesome God is in everything.

4. Blogging makes me feel like I might be good at something for once. I’m not saying I’m like the next C.S. Lewis or J.K. Rowling or anything but I’d like to think that I’m fairly decent at writing. It’s something I enjoy and something that I hope I can continue for a long time.

5. It’s something that really makes me happy and it’s a hobby that gives me something to look forward to. I enjoy the process of writing, editing, posting then checking for stats and any new comments. Sure, I might not get as many views as a lot of blogs and I really don’t get that many comments most often but I enjoy each and every one. Anytime I get a new comment or like on a post I get all happy inside. It shows that somebody took the time to read my work and they actually enjoyed it. It’s an incredible feeling that actually makes me feel confident and proud of myself.

So what about you, dear readers, why do you blog? Why do you enjoy reading other blogs?
And as always, thanks for reading. You all are amazing.
Hope ♥

Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Oh my!

I’m not gonna lie about it, I love social media. The internet is a wonderful place to keep in touch with friends, meet new people (carefully of course), write, keep track of current events and find everything you could ever want. I’m not denying it, I may have every form of social media there is. Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Pinterest, Google +, Skype, YouTube and of course this blog. I love all of them, Facebook and Twitter I can keep up with my friends. Tumblr I can do stuff with all my fandoms and talk about anything Pinterest, well, Pinterest I just look at things I can’t afford, pin quotes I didn’t write and post recipes I don’t have the ability to bake. Google + hasn’t really caught on very much yet but I decided to be hipster about it and get one before anyone else. Skype I use to talk to far away friends. YouTube I’ve made a few videos that are pointless and on here I practically write my life (obviously). All these social media sites are fantastic and I love them all and owe the ability of keeping a lot of my old friends to them but sometimes I think maybe they’re too much. I that think that while these are quite forms of communication, more people should remember how to communicate in person too. People use Facebook as a place to vent about things that should be more personal and use chatting online as a replacement of saying things face to face.
So that’s why, even though I love social media, I think we need to be careful to keep personal communication up too. Personal contact is the most important thing ever and I think we need to be careful not to forget that.
Hope ♥

I won an award!

I just received my first blogging award thanks to Vix at http://littlemisseverything.wordpress.com/ ! Thank you so much for the award! I feel very blessed to have anyone at all read my blog! :)

Versatile Blogger
The rules for the award are these:
1. Thank the person who awarded you and link back to them in your post.
2. Tell 7 Random facts about yourself.
3. Pass the award on to 15 new found bloggers.
4. Contact each blogger you want to pass the award on to and let them know you’ve done so, and let the giver of your award know you accept it… or not.

My 7 Random Facts:

1. I have an unhealthy obsession with ice cream. I eat it almost every day, which of course is probably not good but will probably never change. :)

2. My dream is to become an FBI agent, it’s been my life dream since I was 5 years old. I’m currently going to college and majoring in criminology to fulfill this dream. However, if that doesn’t work out for some reason, I would love to do something with photography which is another passion of mine.

3. Reading is one of my all time favorite activities. Whenever I don’t have school to do I am constantly reading and I’m really fast at it. I would rather read than just about anything else. :)

4. I am a very strong Christian and Christ means more to me than anything else in this world. I’m not as good a witness for Him as I should be but each day I try to be more like Him and do what He wants me to do for my life. I would be lost without Him. If you have any questions about that, feel free to ask me :)

5. I truly do think Disney World is the happiest place on earth, true, I haven’t yet been a lot of places (though that’s another one of my dreams, to travel all over the world) but I think it’s wonderful. I know it sounds cheesy but I really want my honeymoon (if and when I ever get married) to be at Disney World. And I also want “A Whole New World” from Aladdin to be my first dance at my wedding. What can I say? I love classic Disney!

6. I have about 8 people I would consider my best friends and I would do anything for them and I know they feel the same about me. God has blessed me deeply with such wonderful friends!

7. I have never been one to self-abuse my self but I have always had a heart for those who do, for people who are depressed, and/or cut or are just lonely. I know how it is to be lonely and depressed and my heart just goes out to those people.

Well, I guess that’s all of my random facts, hope you enjoyed them! :)

Now, onto passing the award to my favorite bloggers. Unfortunately, I don’t know of too many but here are the blogs that I am subscribed to and enjoy reading whenever they post! I hope they accept their awards and thanks to all of you for writing such entertaining and wonderful blogs! :) Also, I would award http://littlemisseverything.wordpress.com/ but of course she has already been awarded :)

1. http://icry4love.wordpress.com
2. http://l4stw0rds.wordpress.com
3. http://leeleegirl4.wordpress.com
4. http://lindsayelisabeth.wordpress.com
5. http://checkinthere.wordpress.com
6. http://papperfeet.wordpress.com
7. http://mandolinhero.wordpress.com
Thanks to everyone who reads my blog! :)
Hope ♥

And the Oscar goes to…

Hello all!
So, as of yesterday afternoon, I now have over 2,000 views on my blog! Needless to say, I’m a little ecstatic! And I would like to say a huge thank you to any of you who read my blog! It’s much appreciated. I just enjoying writing all my thoughts down and it means a lot that at least some people care enough to read it! :)

In other news, last night was of course one of the biggest nights for TV, the Oscars. I for one, LOVE the Oscars. I don’t really know why but they just entertain me a lot! So, last night when they were on, I grabbed my laptop and headed on downstairs to our dorm’s basement TV. My friend Brianna and I were pretty much the only ones who cared about them but I dragged two of my other friends down there for a bit. They were splendid as always! I was hoping that Harry Potter would take away the two Oscar’s it was nominated for but Alice in Wonderland and Inception won instead, and both of those movies were brilliant as well so I can’t complain too much! :) Beforehand I tried to guess who would get what but I only guessed 10 out of the 24. I hadn’t seen a lot of the movies and all the shorts and documentaries messed up my score a bit. The King’s Speech, Inception and The Social Network won the most awards with the King’s Speech of course taking home best picture and Best Actor, Colin Firth and Natalie Portman won best actress for her role in Black Swan. I still haven’t seen The King’s Speech or Black Swan but they both look really good and I look forward to watching them both! I personally though Inception should’ve taken home a bit more, I was really expecting it to win Best Screenplay for sure but that to went to the King’s Speech.
Well, I suppose that’s it for today!
Thanks as always for reading!
Hope ♥
What were your favorite nominees for the Oscars? And did they win? :)


Thanks to one of the blogs I often read, leeleegirl4.wordpress.com , I just found out about this awesome thing called Wordle. It’s pretty awesome so I decided to do one as well! Enjoy :)
Wordle: Elvishjesusfreak.wordpress.com


So after seeing several of my friends had a blog, I decided to get one too. I don’t know if anyone will even read this but I wanted to have one.  I’m not always going to have anything important to say but I’ll try to write often.

So the first thing that’s on my mind is graduation, I only have half a week left of school. I can’t believe it! It seems like just yesterday I moved here, now, I’m graduating next Sunday. I’m a little scared about it but I know that God will take care of me whatever happens and He has an awesome plan in store for me!

The other thing on my mind, while not very important is I was very excited today at work because somebody had change of 3.03. It was great!

Well, I should probably go study for some of my finals and work on a presentation but I’ll write again soon!

Peace out!
