Tag Archive | New Year

New year? New survey!

I stole this survey from Kim :) Enjoy!

  • What was the best part of this year? There were so many good parts, meeting new people, learning a lot by living alone, going to visit Erin in Georgia, random adventures with Carrie, hardly sleeping because of fun times with Andrew, David, Sonjay, Blake, Hailey and all of them. I don’t know. All of those I guess.
  • What was the worst part of this year?  This summer, living alone without friends nearby was really hard but when I finally met some new people it turned out to be really good.
  • What was the biggest surprise of the year?  Definitely having a boyfriend. Never saw that one coming..
  • What are you most looking forward to in 2013?  Doctor Who anniversary special!, Adventures and shenanigans with my best friends, my best friend’s wedding in June, living alone again this summer (I’m more prepared this year and friends will be there this time!!)
  • Is there anything you are not looking forward to?  I’m kinda nervous to live in an apartment next year instead of the dorms but it’ll be a new adventure.
  • Which New Year’s resolution did you keep this year?  I read my Bible very regularly and I grew a lot as a person.
  • Which resolution are you most likely to keep this year? I’m not really having resolutions this year, I’m just gonna work on being more who God wants me to be.
  • Which are you most likely going to break?  N/a
  • Who are you going to be with when the ball drops? Well, it’s already passed but I spent it with my friend TJ watching a Doctor Who marathon. Also I was talking to my friend Sonjay..
  • What was the best song of the year for you?  GAH. That’s like asking a person their favorite child. It was between “Live and Die” by the Avett Brothers,  “Little Bird” by Ed Sheeran and “Hold Onto What You Believe” by Mumford & Sons
  • Best television of the year?  Not a real question, Doctor Who and Sherlock are obviously the answers. :)
  • What was the best book of the year?  The Fault in our Stars by John Green
  • Best film of the year?  It’s a tie between the Avengers and the Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey. Which have also now tied as my two all time favorite movies.
  • What change would you like to see in the world next year?  I want to see more people loving each other. And being there for others.
  • With whom were your most valuable relationships: Carrie, Erin, Alex, Hailey, David, Andrew, Sonjay, Blake and Michael.
  • What was your single biggest time waster?  Tumblr. No doubt!
  • Create a catchphrase to describe your 2012.  I’m no good at catchphrases… Lo siento :/

Welcome to Midnight

It’s a new year. I’m going to work on being a new person. I’m not going  to have resolutions, per se, because those never seem to work. Instead, I’m just going to work on moving forward, not only surviving but thriving. Being the best I can be, becoming stronger, more ok with myself and become more of who God wants me to be.

This year I’m not going to sit around and waste my life. I’m not going home for breaks, I’m going to work and adventure as much as I can. I’m going to find new experiences, to not be afraid to love and care. To trust people, to know it’s sometimes ok to be vulnerable, to not be so afraid of being hurt that I miss out on other things.

This year, in 2013, I’m going to live.

Hope <3


Taken from Twitter:

– In 2013, I will stop assuming that my opinions don’t matter and I will stand up for myself and my beliefs.

– 2012: when everything fell apart 2013: when I fix broken relationships, move forward, & rediscover who I am

– New year. New loves. New memories. New hope. New goals. New places. Change is possible. I’m moving forward

– To a new year: with all the dreams & hopes for tomorrow, the memories without their sting, & a new day to start again.

– To be mentally healthy. Because once I control what’s in my mind then my world can change & broken pieces come together.

– I will overcome my pain & struggles. I will focus on those who love me and the ones I love. 2013 will be good.

Goodbye (Almost) to 2011

When 2011 just started last January, now almost a year ago, I was quite a different person than I am now. I was dealing with heartbreak and family drama and while I had the hope of Christ, I wasn’t as strong in my faith as I should’ve been and because of that I felt quite hopeless and discouraged. Last January I would’ve never guessed that my year would’ve been as wonderful as it has been but now looking back, I think 2011 is probably one of the best years I’ve ever had. Yeah, it’s been hard, dealing with family stress, hard classes, loss of friends but the good has out weighed the bad by so much, I’ve grown so much stronger and learned a lot this year thanks to my friends, new and old and mostly thanks to God. This year I’ve started working out, eating healthier and I’ve lost some weight, I’ve made new friends and though I’ve unfortunately lost old ones, in that process I truly learned who my real friends are. I’ve gotten so much stronger in my faith and now though I still am dealing with lots of family drama and stress I’m not discouraged anymore, I’m strong and I intend on staying that way. I’ve learned to be more decisive and to stand up for myself and I have several new friends to thank for that aspect of my change. I’ve had adventures with my new friends in college, I’ve tried new things and I’ve learned to be thankful for everything God brings into my life, both good and bad. I’ve gone from working in the food industry to having an office job. I’ve gotten up to 51 followers on this blog (I think at the beginning of the year I had like 15) and passed 30,000 views. I’ve gone from trying to do things myself and worrying when I couldn’t get something done to realizing that God is fully in control and it doesn’t matter what I do, He’ll always have the power and He can do more than I could ever dream of for my life. I still have a long way to go but seeing how much my faith has grown this past year is incredible, I owe that partially to some of my friends in my dorm this year as well, they’re encouraged me and prayed for me and inspired me to be more open in my faith and to share it more with others. God is incredible and as amazing as this year has been I truly believe He’ll do even more in my life in 2012, I personally can’t wait to see all that He has in store. His ways continue to amaze me and I hope that I can grow so much more in Him this year, as much as I have this year, I know I still have an infinite amount of things to learn which as a human of course I’ll never fully get to. I’ll never love Him like I’m supposed to, I’ll still screw up and put other things above Him but no matter how much I do that, I know He’ll be here to take me back and I will try to keep focused on Him as best as I can. That’s really all I have to say for now but I do want to share something that my RA Kyle said the other day and later posted on Facebook, it’s very true and quite encouraging.

The fictitious character I just made up in my head: “Can you help me?”
Other fictitious character I just made up in my head: “Do you need help sinning? I do that a lot. Do you need help being fake? I am really good at that. Do you need help being selfish or greedy? Do you need directions on how to fail? I do that a lot. Do you need a lesson in disobedience?”
The fictitious character I just made up in my head: “no”
Other fictitious character I just made up in my head: “Well those are my specialties. I do know someone who loves me despite of all that; he never leaves me.”
The fictitious character I just made up in my head: “I want to know him.”
~ Kyle

Thanks for reading everyone! :)
Hope ♥

It’s 2011? Already?

Wow, I can’t believe 2010 is already over! It seems to have gone by so fast. So much happened in 2010! I made new friends, got closer to old ones, graduated high school, made it through one semester of college, got a nose ring, dyed my hair purple. All sorts of fun things! It was overall a good year, of course there were some bad things too but overall, it was pretty good. I’m hoping 2011 will be even better! Last night, to ring in the new year, I went to my friend Brandon’s house for a party. I was a little worried about it beforehand because it was supposed to be an Xbox party and I was concerned that no one would do anything else and I really don’t enjoy video games at all. Fortunately though, it just turned into a dance party!! And all of us danced for several hours, then we played Ninja for a bit, though I’m terrible at that game (it’s still super fun though!) then after a while I just talked to my friend Daniel for several hours. It was a great night! I had a ton of fun! I love my friends so much! It was a great way to ring in the new year!

If any of you from last night are reading this, just know I love you!

Happy New Year to everyone! May God bless this year and may you use it to bless Him!

Hope ♥