Tag Archive | It All Ends Here

Mischief Managed. (Spoilers!)

Last night, like so many of fans of Harry Potter, I went to the midnight premiere of Deathly Hallows Part 2. Before I get into my review of it (by the way, stop reading now if you don’t want spoilers because I’m going to go very deep into detail about the whole movie!)
To start with, me, Abbey, Dalton, Allie and Dalton’s mom got to the theater at 4:40, all of us but Allie were in fully costume. Unfortunately, because the IMAX theater we were seeing it in only has one theater inside, we had to sit outside the whole time in the 100 degree weather. I’m not complaining exactly because it was COMPLETELY worth it but it was also VERY hot and I was VERY sweaty and gross all day. We spent the day talking, laughing, eating and trying to stay cool. They finally let us in the theater at about 10:45 (Even though they were supposed to let us in at 9:45…). Once we finally got in, we took our seats which were probably the best seats we could’ve gotten. Since it was IMAX 3D, we wanted to be pretty far in the back and we only had like 4 rows behind us. Once there was about 15 minutes until the start of the movie, the guy sitting directly in front of me stood up in front of all of us in this huge IMAX theater, and said “Ok well I have something to say. I’m really nervous right now. Um *looks at girl next to him*, this is my best friend, and we’ve gone and seen all of the Harry Potter movies together and, all the posters and commercials say “It All Ends Here” but I’m here to say, I don’t want our relationship to end, I want to spend the rest of my life with you.” And he got down on his knee and proposed. Literally I was almost crying before the movie even started, and my group of 15 (At about 10 the rest of our group got there), most of us girls were tearing up. It was adorable. Then, finally the curtain went up. I told myself I was going to try not to cry but I knew it was useless. The movie was perfect in every way. I’ve never seen a movie that close to the book before, of course there were a few changes, but most of them very minor and one change I actually was EXTREMELY happy about. While reading the books, I have always wanted Neville and Luna to get together, and I think a lot of people did, and I’m happy to see, that is one change they made.
For those of you who haven’t seen a movie in IMAX 3d, I definitely suggest it, it was one of the most amazing things ever, yeah, it was a bit frightening at times, especially with Nagini but I loved it! It was like I was there for the final battle of Hogwarts. I made it through most of the movie without crying but absolutely lost it when Snape died. The moment he said to Harry, “You have your mother’s eyes.” and told him to take all of his memories, is when I started crying, then when they showed, Tonks, Lupin and Fred were all dead, that’s when I really lost it the most. My bawling continued until the credits started rolling and especially when they showed “The Prince’s Tale” where you see all of Snape’s memories. Oh my gosh, when Dumbledore realized Snape was still in love with Lily Potter and he said, “After all this time?” and Snape said, “Always.” I just wanted to curl up in a ball and never leave the theater.
Yes, I know it’s probably a bit odd for me to be this emotional about a fictional series that I haven’t even grown up with, but it’s the end. It’ll live in our hearts forever but that’s the last movie. No more midnight premieres, no more dressing up, no more everyone in the theater raising their wands and shouting “WINGARDIUM LEVIOSA!” to raise the curtain. I’m so glad I got to be a part of this fandom for even a short time. It means so much to mean and always will. When I’m old and in a nursing home, someone will see me still reading Harry Potter and they’ll say, “After all this time?” I’ll reply like Snape and say, “Always.

The End is Here

I’m sorry that I haven’t written for a few days, I’ve had housework to do and when I had the time to write, all I could think of was Harry Potter and the situation with my parents, both of which I have talked about more than enough. Today however, I will write about Harry Potter. Today I will be meeting and my friend Dalton’s house at 4pm to go to the theater to wait in line forever. It might seem a bit earlier but we’re seeing it in IMAX 3D so we want good seats! Plus being with out friends for that long is gonna be super awesome! Literally this is all I can think about today! I couldn’t even sleep in like I was planning to, I mean I woke up at like 8! I’m going to be up til at least 3:30 tonight so that’s probably not the best thing ever but I’m just so excited! :) There’s a group of I think about 15 of us going tonight and at least some of us are hardcore dressing up. I’m personally going as Tonks and I’m psyched about it! I even have a pig nose for it! :)
I’ll definitely post pictures tomorrow and probably write a review about it as well!
Enjoy your day, I know I sure will!

It’s Harry Freaking Potter!

Finally, in only 11 hours, 22 minutes and 30 seconds, it will be the midnight premiere of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1. I’ve been anxiously awaiting this day for months, ever since I finished the first book of the wonderful series this summer when I was FINALLY allowed to read them. It’s true that I haven’t quite grown up with them the way that everyone else has but I’ve wanted to, I’ve followed the stories as closely as I possibly could without reading them. I longed for the day when I was allowed to read them. That day finally came this summer and I fell in love after the first sentence. So yes, though I’m a newer fan than some, that doesn’t make me any less dedicated. Today has been unbearably slow and I still have one class left. It’s so exciting, not only does Harry Potter premiere tonight but I officially begin Thanksgiving break tomorrow as well. Then I can go home and see my wonderful family and friends. I cannot wait! That’s why this has been one of the longest weeks of my life.

Back to Harry Potter, it all ends here. This is the beginning of the end. It’s crazy. I mean, yes, I wasn’t allowed to read them or watch them when they came out but still, these came out when I was just a kid, and now, this is the second to last movie. Crazy stuff. More proof that time flies. I mean, a week from tomorrow is my birthday, I’ll be 19! When did that happen? So weird to think about… I’m not sure I really like the idea of growing up. I think Peter Pan knew what was up!

Well, I should go but one more thing, yesterday I was listening to Mugglenet’s podcast Muggle Cast as I often due. Well, I hadn’t listened to it for the past two episodes due to school work and such but I caught up on them yesterday. And when I was listening to them, they actually read a comment that I had posted on Twitter! It was one of the most exciting times of my life. Do you even know how many people write in to them!? It was fantastic! Me, ArwenJesusFreak on Twitter, mentioned on Muggle Cast! Quite exciting.

Well, peace to you Muggles, Wizards and Squibs alike!
